BeadTastic Retreat
This great retreat is a perfect time to finish off your unfinished projects, start new ones, and watch amazing demos!!
This two day retreat includes an open beading format with demonstrations and opportunities to start new projects!!
It will run from Friday April 8that 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Meals for Friday Evening, Saturday Lunch and Saturday Evening are included!!
Demonstration Schedule:
7:00 -Tools
8:00 – Finishing
10:30 Chain Maille
1:30 Spiral with Rizo’s
3:30 Multi Strand Necklace
There will be a drawings through out the retreat. Each attendee will receive a t-shirt and special gift to commemorate the event!!
Be sure to sign up today! Space is limited.